Infant Massage Session for Families - Drop In Session

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Molly & Baby (2).jpg

Infant Massage Session for Families - Drop In Session




December 10, December 17

9:30-10:30 am

LOCATION: Des Peres Shopping Center Suite 54LL

12015 Manchester Road

Des Peres, MO 63131

$18 per session

*Please complete intake form & return to

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Benefits of Infant Massage

Infant massage can be beneficial to both baby & parent. It can offer relief for your baby from common infant challenges such as colic or constipation, teething, or going for well baby shots. Through infant massage, parents often say they are better able to read their babies subtle cues that let them know what they are needing in the moment. Cues often help us to know whether babies are wanting us to do more of something, less of something, or to draw our attention to something. Infant massage can assist in this process during a special with your baby.

Infant massage can stimulate development across all areas of development by promoting tummy time, eye contact, visual tracking, encouraging vocalizations, and increased attention and interaction during the massage. It can also stimulate development for babies who may be receiving ongoing medical interventions such as babies in the NICU or children with developmental delays & disabilities.

Infant massage can also promote relaxation for babies. Their muscles become more relaxed which can promote bowel movements. Relaxation also promotes quality sleep for babies which is critical for the rapid rate of brain development that is occuring.

Infant massage also offers a special opportunity for bonding & attaching with your baby. Infant massage supports you and your baby creating an intimate & trusting relationship. Science tells us that this relationship you have with your baby sets the stage for their future relationships with others. The more our babies trust us to meet their needs, the more likely they will be to trust others will do the same….

Massage Oil

Babies learn through their senses & they love to put their hands in their mouths. Using an unscented, organic oil encourages your baby to smell you instead of the oil & is safe for them to put into their mouths if they suck on finger to self soothe.

Organic, fruit based, unscented oil is what we use as Certified Infant Massage Instructors. Apricot, grapeseed, sweet almond oil are all used in infant massage across the world. ** BEFORE MASSAGE: Try a small amount on the inside of your baby’s wrist & wait about 10 minute to ensure there are no sensitivities before massaging.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1: Intro to Infant Massage; Organic Oil, Learning the legs & feet

Week 2: Benefits of infant massage; Practice legs & feet, learn tummy & chest

Week 3: Modifications of infant massage: Practice legs, feet, tummy & chest; learn arms & face & back