Babies are my favorite humans…
The mission of Baby & Me, LLC is to foster meaningful relationships between prenates, infants & their caregivers through community-based infant massage classes for parents and educational workshops for professionals working in prenatal to three settings.
Lynn Barts, MA, CIMI has been working in the prenatal to three world for over 27 years with families and professionals. She has a BS in Child Development & Family Relations from the University of Arizona, 1992 & a MA in Counseling from the University of Santa Monica, 1995. Lynn has worked within the fields of Early Intervention, Home Visiting, & Child Care Resource & Referral providing supports for both families and staff.
Lynn is a Pregnancy Dialogues TM Facilitator & offers support groups for pregnant mothers at 20 weeks gestation throughout the remainder of their pregnancy.
Lynn is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor CIMI® & an Authorized Licensee of INTERNATIONAL LOVING TOUCH FOUNDATION” and is an “Authorized Licensed Trainer of CIMI®” for the International Loving Touch Foundation.
Lynn offers opportunities to a wide variety of early childhood professionals including Home Visitors, Early Interventionists, Early Head Start & Head Start & Early Care & Education Professionals serving families in Child Care settings.
Lynn supports Early Interventionists through her 30+ years of experience as a practitioner & a professional development consultant. Using some of her own videos with families as tools for reflection & dialogue, she offers interactive online or in-person events to support quality partnerships & services for families in Early Intervention.
Lynn enjoys yoga, cooking & gardening in her spare time. She especially enjoys time hiking and canoeing where the peace & quiet allow time for inner restoration.
TESTIMONIALS: “Hi Lynn, it was wonderful to both see you today and learn from your presentation. You are quite gifted at capturing and holding participants understanding and edges for growth. I really appreciate when facilitators model how to be with others in the work. Great to have you continue in the trainer role in Illinois. I am grateful to our field for providing continued opportunities to reconnect and grow with like-minded people along our professional journeys.”